January 23, 2023

Exploring India's Past: A Guide to 13 Must-Read Books on Indian History

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      History plays a crucial role in any exam as it provides context and understanding of the present. It helps to explain how events and developments in the past have shaped the world we live in today. Furthermore, studying history helps to develop critical thinking skills, as it requires the analysis and interpretation of past events and their impact on society. Additionally, history provides a sense of perspective, allowing individuals to understand the complexity of the world and the many factors that have contributed to its development. Understanding history also helps in identifying patterns and trends, which can be useful in predicting future events. 

The Tripartite Struggle: Age of the Three Empires (800–1000 AD)


Following the fall of Harsha's kingdom in the seventh century, a number of powerful kingdoms emerged in north India, the Deccan, and south India. Unlike the Gupta and Harsha empires in north India, no other kingdom in north India was able to rule the whole Ganga valley. Between AD 750 and 1000, large states formed in north India and the Deccan. The Pala empire dominated eastern India until the middle of the ninth century; the Pratihara empire dominated western India and the upper Gangetic valley until the middle of the tenth century; and the Rashtrakuta empire dominated the Deccan and controlled territories in north and south India at different times.